My Super powers

Hello there! I am overjoyed to have you here! My name is Heather Hicks. I am 40 years years old, yes I freely admit it, and I live with my family in Columbus, OH. I have two boys, Stuart and Joshua, and I am still happily married to their father, Stu, after 14 years of marriage. We try to keep life simple, but it is not always easy, especially in a big city that is always on the move.

As an ordained minister, mom, wife, and advocate, I know first hand just how much you want to save the world. There are so many causes that demand our attention yet, there are only 24 hours in the day and 7 days in the week. By the time Sunday roles around, our glasses are empty and everyone still wants our attention. (I know, just reading this is stressful).

There is a simple yet challenging answer to our need for weekly inspiration and empowerment…making time for yourself. I know this sounds impossible, but you cannot possibly put on your super hero outfit each day if you have not made time for self-compassion, self-reflection, and deepened your relationship with the one who created you and loves you.

Love is what fills us and nourishes us. The reason we were created is to be loved and to share love with the world around us. Each one of us are on a different life journey with different calls, but we have one mission…to love and be loved. Our personal hero, Jesus Christ, was very busy during His time on earth. He clothed the naked, fed the hungry, healed the sick and dying, and preached the good news God sent Him to preach. Jesus could not have done all these things without taking time away to pray, meditate, and be close to God in wilderness wonderings.

Please join me in cultivating time for us all to find spiritual sustenance, inspiration, and empowerment with these amazing coloring and puzzle books. We do all things through Christ who gives us strength and ability. May God bless you.